Why Translation Command in Content Editor Does Not Work in Sitecore Experience Commerce 9.0 Update 1

This article explains what causes the translation in Content Editor to be not working correctly in Sitecore Experience Commerce (SXC) 9.0 Update-1 installed on Sitecore XP 9 Update 1 (rev. 171219) . The scenario is when you run two instances of Sitecore XP 9.0.1 , one with SXC 9 installed and another one without SXC 9 (I will call it “default” SXP 9 as this refers to the fresh instance without SXC 9 installed), clicking on the Translation Command will give the following results. This is how it looks in default SXP 9. Whereas, this is how it looks in SXC 9 (in the ribbon, VERSIONS > Translate command button is clicked but the translation is not shown). The reason can be explained as follows: Let’s first look at the difference of showconfig (<yourSitecore>/sitecore/admin/showconfig.aspx) between those two instances. There are 2 additional processors under <renderContentEditor> as highlighted in blue rectangle below. ...