Does Sitecore 9 Marketing Automation Operations Service (ma-ops) require “xdb.processing.pools” connection string?

Someone reported to me about the error
System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: A connection string with the name 'xdb.processing.pools' is not configured.
from their ma-ops server.

When I first noticed that error, I immediately thought of configuring that connection string, however, Sitecore documentation on ma-ops ( does not mention the need of having the connection string for “xdb.processing.pools”.

While I was working on another seemingly unrelated task (installing Sitecore Commerce 903 in Azure), I found a serendipity where the installation guide of that SXC 903 ( actually mentions this in the step 3 of the section “5.4. Enable Marketing Automation”, as shown in the attached picture below:

The answer to the question in this title is: Yes, ma-ops requires “xdb.processing.pools” connection string to enable marketing automation. We can use the same one configured in xc-collect.


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