Small Tips in Sitecore 9 List Manager

Sometimes after installing a Sitecore Item Package containing Contact List(s) generated from different Sitecore instance, several issues might occur such as: 
  1. The Contact List item is shown in Content Editor, but the List Manager does not display it
  2. The List Manager displays the contacts, but the number of recipient in the contact list is 0
  3. There is no contact inside the Contact list (even though it is shown in the List Manager)
Here are the ways to solve each point:
For the #1 problem: Rebuild sitecore_marketingdefinitions_master.

For the #2 problem: The connection string “solrCore” in xConnect\App_Config\ConnectionStrings.config needs to point to the correct xdb index.

For the #3 problem: (Together with the solution for point #2 +) The connection string “collection” in xConnect\App_Config\ConnectionStrings.config needs to point to the correct xdb.collection.ShardMapManager DB

The correct “item” in point 2 and 3 means the “item” which contains the information we want to show, for example the table ContactFacets in either Shard0 or Shard1 which contains the contact’s information.


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